Hello Artiphans,
Today, Artiphany's Pack of Dog Playing Cards and Kitten Club Playing Cards went live on the product discovery marketplace, The Grommet. This is a wonderful, exciting, invigorating moment for our little company - and we are so grateful to be included in The Grommet's enchanting world of creative products. To mark the occasion, a moment of reflection direct from Mr. John Littleboy himself: our artist-in-chief and proprietor of all-things-Artiphany.
"What does it take to become an overnight success?
In my case, about 30+ years of hard work, good luck, some variant of lucid dreaming and a stubborn dedication to the idea that one day all of my effort would have to pay off.
The genesis of our appearance on The Grommet falls into the "good luck" category. Someone handed a deck of my Pack of Dogs Playing Cards to one of their buyers which inspired a phone call and here we are.
The Grommet's mission statement makes us proud to be a part of their effort to promote the maker community. Both of us believe in the power of a good idea whenever and wherever it occurs and how to bring that idea to a larger like-minded audience.
In this case, starting today, we have our debut in front of The Grommet's 1.5 million subscribers and almost 20K wholesale stores.
All of you, our faithful subscribers, were part of our pitch when we needed to present our product for The Grommet's final approval. When we mentioned that we had already acquired an audience of 13K on our own, they were impressed.
A big thanks to all of you for being part of our debut."
Now....get off your computers and tablets and phones and out to the dog park! All of you! Don't make me bark at you!
Love and dog bones,
Man’s Best Friend & Chief Communications Officer (Personal Motto: Live Life Off Leash)